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Old 06-11-2003, 01:30 PM   #2
tom hand
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Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: Olive Branch,MS,USA
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Never seen any manual that had a sequence for the oil pan. The torque listed is different because that is the clamping force the factory wants on the factory gasket. If you are using aftermarket gaskets the spec doesn't mean much anyway. If you do a search on torque specs yopu will see that most specs don't even list specs for oil pan, timing cover, etc. I aways use a speed wrench and just snug them up...never had a problem. On oil pans and valve covers too loose is aways better than too ussally need to snug them after the motor has been heated up a few times if you want them to be leak free and there is no way to torque them with the motor installed.
72 GMC Sierra SWB almost finished---- 84 Softail
Olive Branch MS
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