The VIN #'s on the metal door opening plate and the glovebox sticker match.
Also, the SE# is
The cab ceiling has NO holes in it. The headliner is a dark brown 'rolled' vinyl that is glued on with some sort of adhesive. It matches the sunvisors and the seat cover...must be some kind of J.C. Whitney deluxe interior package...LOL. At least the dashpad is still Parchment (as per the glovebox sticker info).
The cab has the small chrome trim that runs across the back and is attached by the little factory 'nail head' peg thingys and rectangle plastic clips. Being that I had not done any sanding on the roof I grabbed the trusty air disc sander, and a pad of 80-grit...and went to work, wet sanding gently. What I uncovered was:
The top layer of yellow, a coat of primer, ANOTHER coat of yellow, a coat of primer, WHITE, a coat of primer...and then bare naked metal.
Yep, she has had 2 yellow repaints...and originally had a WHITE cab top! Both front fenders have been repainted yellow one time only. So I really feel that the fenders themselves are original to the truck as both coats of yellow match both coats of yellow on the cab...and a PO really wanted a Cheyenne...and swapped badges....
I went on to the bedside (the doors are replacements and therefore no help at all) and started sanding between the upper trim mounting area (above and below the trim line). What I uncovered was:
Yellow, primer, and then metal. Above and below. I also did the same thing on both front fenders.
Apparently the cab as been repainted twice and front fenders have been repainted once...but not the bed.
So I think we have solved the mystery. This truck must be a
Custom Deluxe due to lack of two-tone on bed and fenders, and the lack of headliner trim mountiing holes....
...unless someone else can provide futher clues to deepen this mystery.
Thanks again for helping me out with all of the guys are what makes this site so unbelievably awesome!