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Old 10-06-2010, 10:45 PM   #13
Member #1049
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Re: A couple of Q's about my '71 GMC

Here are a couple of pictures of what you are missing. A clamp, nut and bolt and a roll pin.. hopefully that will help you out. (sorry for the bad pics.. they were taken in the dark with a flashlight for quidence)

Assuming the rest of the emergency brake system under the truck is all intact, all that you would need to do is mount your existing pedal assembly to the firewall and dash, drill a hole in the proper spot for the cable to come through, aquire the missing pieces and mount the cable to the pedal.

On the AC to non AC heater conversion.. the firewalls holes are different, it is quite a task to do it properly, (cutting and welding) I have seen a non AC heater assembly bolted on an unmodified AC firewall but do not know if it worked well.
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