Thread: Extra Sparks?
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Old 10-07-2010, 03:58 AM   #8
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Re: Extra Sparks?

Are you running a HEI distributor with the coil built into the cap? I could be wrong but the original HEI is vacuum and mechanical weight operated.

Phasing out that ESC is the way to go, It could render your truck completely useless one day if it decides to act up. If your engine pings you just adjust your distributor back a little bit.

Chasing a firing issue is a pain in the ass for me. I start with checking everything one part at a time, I got stumped a while ago when my truck would start and run fine and then randomly have no spark at all when I tried to start it later. Turns out I dropped that little ground clip that went on the coil while doing my tune up.
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