Ok...So I've replaced a lot of the brake system. I HAVE a vacuum
gun...I think its called Mighty Vac. Anyways, I have bench bled
the new master cylinder 2 times. I go to each wheel cylinder
and bleed them also. The problem in doing this is that if you
loosen the bleed nipple up enough to put a vacuum on the
line then air gets sucked in around the base of the bleed nipple
and you think you're pulling lots of air out of the line when all
you're really doing is pulling air in around the base of the
bleed nipple. If you cinch the bleed nipple up too much then you
can't pull a vacuum on the line. (frustration!) At any rate after doing all this, I still have NO pedal pressure. Beginning to think
something is amiss, but I'm not sure what.
Maybe the best way is to simply use 2 people with one guy
opening and closing the bleed nipple and the other guy pushing
on the brake pedal.
Jim M.
Barely Braking in Mt Juliet