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Old 10-07-2010, 09:41 PM   #308
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Re: Junkyard Jimmy Super Low Buck Build Thread

I finally got the inside of the gas tank washed out. I used the pressure washer. The hardest part is getting all the water out afterwards. I used a piece of sponge on a metal rod to soak up most of it. Then used the little 5 gal shop vac to get the chunks of stuff, etc.

The old sending unit screen was shot. Rather than but a new unit just to have a new screen on the end, I improvised. I went down to napa and asked a friend there what they had. Some of the newer in tank pumps, etc have a replacable screen in the tank. The size of the tube it fits varies, but he found one that was fairly close.

Because of how it mounts, the tube was not going the right way, so I put a screwdriver in the tube and straightened it out, then cut off the extra length. The tank is 12" deep in that spot and the sending unit was about 11-3/4" tall. I cut it off at 11-1/2", but had to shorten it some so it would fit into the little hole in the tank. It is probably about 11" long now.

Attaching the new screen was kind of a problem. It's nylon or something like that, so would melt if I soldered it. I tried soldering it by just over-heating the tube and then setting the screen on it and getting solder in it, but it just wouldn't work. I thought about epoxy, but then decided to keep things simple and just clamp it. I found my smallest hose clamp, cut a small slot in the metal grommet part of the screen and clamped it on. It's pretty tight, and the worst that can happen is it falls off inside the tank.

Installed the sending unit, used the wire wheel on any of the rust and grit that didn't come off with the pressure washer, and sprayed it with some black paint to help preserve it as long as possible.

I ran out of time to install it. Parent teacher conferences tonight. I tried to work on the exhaust some also. Got an email from hooker and they should be shipping a new pipe for the driver side soon. So I thought I'd install the pass side. I got as far as the first pipe on the collecter and had more problems. The next section of tube is expanded to slide over the 1st tube, but not expanded enough. It just wont go on, either side. I need to find someone with a tube expander to stretch it just a bit. So far I'm not impressed with this kit. They sent the flanges to bolt to the collector, but no bolts for that. I have one tube on. Waiting for one in the mail, have to expand the others so they fit. I think I'll use a different brand next time for my C-10.
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