Re: Junkyard Jimmy Super Low Buck Build Thread
One of the local shops here had a tube expander, so I got the 2nd sections expanded to fit now. Still waiting to hear if the new tube was shipped from hooker. I got the gas tank installed today. Every step lately has been a fight. The new tank was a repro one and the fill yube hits the body mount. So I had to cut that part off the old tank and used a piece of hose and a couple clamps to put it on the new tank. I'll post the pics tomorrow, camera is out in the garage. I had some spare felt around for strap pads on the tank. I made a new vent line for the pass side of the tank to the left rear corner by using a piece of 5/16" brake line and some newer hose. I had to by some 1/2" hose for the vent line by the fill tube. There is one more vent line on the driver side I need to make, but otherwise the gas tank install is pretty much complete. The only things left to do on the chassis is exhaust, replace the e-brake cables (it can wait) and finish the engine.
My youngest has a volleyball tourny tomorrow, but sometime this weekend I want to go get the body and get it in the driveway. I would really like to get the bottom side cleaned up and in epoxy primer before I set it on the frame. Time is getting short for cooperative weather. We have been very lucky this past couple weeks.