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Old 06-12-2003, 11:24 AM   #5
Gotta luv a clean shave
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Kent, WA
Posts: 226
"Buy it now" option expires as soon as any bid is placed. Does not seem right to me, especially if the BIN is still above the current bid...however it does serve to provide the best price to the seller since someone can end a hot bidding streak with the BIN.

My wife and mother would shoot me if I ever put a car part on a custom made quilt like that! I have been excused for putting parts in the oven and dishwasher but putting a part on a quilt would be a killin' offense...LOL!
Welding while you can help if you like and it...might even save you a little as long as you don't mess things up!
We make house calls too...just like the old days!

Last edited by progress; 06-12-2003 at 11:31 AM.
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