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Old 10-09-2010, 10:22 PM   #1
Rob H.
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Where does NADA come up with their values?

I recently went to transfer a 69, it had an Ohio title that was notorized and signed off by the PO. I had the deputy come out and inspect it, cost me $5.00 for that. Went to the clerks office to do the transfer and since the PO wasn't around to sign their affadavit confirming the purchase price they wanted to charge me taxes on the high book value instead of the $550 I gave for it. There is a tremendous differance in $550 and $34,300. I love these trucks, but I haven't seen one yet I'd give that kinda money for! Even the low value NADA puts on them is high but the state choses to go with the high value. I've gone all week thinking on this, guess just had to finally post my rant. I told them too forget it for now!!!!!
72 C/10 (under reconstruction)(destruction ? LOL)
48 Willys CJ2A
1952 Super "A" Farmall (Grandfather's)
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