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Old 10-09-2010, 11:18 PM   #15
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Location: Pasadena, CA
Posts: 46
Re: New guy with a 72 Super

Had the truck for 1 day, and it completely shut off while driving to pick up some food about a mile from my house. I had it towed to a local shop here in Pasadena. The truck has been in several times for starting issues as evidenced by reciepts, and a quick look at the wiring made me realize I'm in over my head. I need to get to a point where it runs and drives, and then learn how to tackle things as they come up. The mechanic said the wiring was really "mickey moused" together, with wires having several shoddy splices in them. They have spent (4) hours so far. I'm hoping for the best and realizing quickly that I better learn how to fix this thing myself, or it's going to bury me. I did order and have received the Chevy service manual, and will be reading up while I am waiting.

Issues that need to be tackled besides the wiring/charging system are:

1. Squeaking belt/pulley

2. Loping idle

3. SLOPPY suspension----the truck was all over the road when I drove it home from picking it up. Looks like a new steering box has been installed, too.

4. Heat into the cab. It was hot when I drove it back, but the heat from the engine into the cab seemed extreme.

5. The huge hole in the side of the bed where a previously installed aux tank must have been mounted.

6. Climate control/blower motor/vent ducting. -- not operational.

7. Gear selector lever??? - Shows you what gear you are in on the column---mine is non-existent--can this be added to an existing steering column?

8. Steering wheel travels up and down like the tilt is in adjust mode, but never gets set.

That's all I can think of from my short time spent with her.

I know most of you guys are DIY'ers, but this may take me a long time to tackle this stuff. This thread may help some new or limited DIY guys.

Any thoughts on these problem areas are more than welcome, and thanks again for the warm welcome.

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