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Old 06-12-2003, 04:12 PM   #2
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I don't know how your generator is wired, so I can't help with information like "unhook this from that and then hook it over there", but I can give you some basic info on how the internally regulated GM alternators hook up.

The BATT post (10 AWG wire) hooks directly to 12 volts, at the starter, battery post, terminal block, etc.

At the two wire connector, one of the wires is hooked to the same location as above, usually with the same type of wire (10 AWG) The other wire is hooked to one side of the "GEN" idiot light. The other side of the light is hooked to a 12V ignition switched source.

Hope this helps,
'56 F-100 (w/all GM stuff)
Lookin' for another parts chaser!
'05 GMC crew cab
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