Originally Posted by EODblake
Ok, I chopped up my old hard top to make a half top and got some left over parts. They're in rough shape but the hatch still functions so if you need any brackets, latches, rear or passenger glass let me know. I'm in Hampton VA. Guess I should of taken a pic once I put the top back on.
Hey EOD.
I would love to get my hands on those brackets that connect the rear of the top to the bed and the stops that the hatch latch to. As I recall there a a couple of pieces that bolt together but they are all mounted in the same place on the top. I can see them in your photo.
To further the free stuff idea... I have a cut up 1/2 top like the left half oin that photo that my PO gave me. I'll offer it free to anyone in Utah who wants to come pick it up. Surprisingly it will fit in the back of a blazer with the hard top and it's pretty light on so pick up shouldn't be tough.