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Old 10-12-2010, 10:12 AM   #1
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PROJECT LOW DOUGH -1967 shortbed

I had a jumbled mess of a build thread going on so I deleted it and I am now starting a new one. I just bought a 1967 Chevy shortbed. My first truck when I was 16 was a 68 short fleet so I am now drawn to these trucks. about 2 years ago I bought another 67 short but it was a rust bucket.. It was way to big of a project for me so I parted it off. I told myself I would not buy another truck for a long while. Then I ran across the truck while going to buy a paint gun I found on craigslist. I am planning on trying to paint my harley myself so I went to buy the gun. The truck was sitting in the driveway just down the road from the guy I was meeting about the paint gun. The truck was not tagged and looked like it had been sitting for some time. I kept driving but the next day I rode my harley over and tried to talk to the guy. He wasnt home but I did leave him a note to call me if he wanted to sell it. 3 days later I recieved a call from him. He wanted 2 grand to start off. I thought it was a little high since it had been sitting for 2 years. It wasnt in horrible shape. It was all there just not really finished. I looked at the truck 3 different times before finally talking him down to 1350 for the truck. The 2nd time looking at it I got stung by a yellow jacket in the hand.. I am allergic so my hand swelled up so big and I had to go to the hospital. My wife didnt know I was looking at a truck until this happened so I had to tell her. She said that she was glad I got stung haha. Anyway I did talk her into letting me get the truck. The day I was suppose to pick it up he called and mentioned that the title had a 200 dollar penalty since he had never put the truck in his name. He said he would throw in all his spare parts which included a 67 short stepside without fenders, power brake booster and master, ac outside unit, two wire looms, core support, and other misc. The truck bed was full of parts when I left his house. The truck ran but it was in bad shape. Tires were low, no gauges or lights, and no windsheild wipers. I had to drive it like 30 miles to a friends house that has offered to store it until I get it un good running shape. I left the guys house about 6pm or so and was off on the road. I notice a storm was to the south so I had to make decent time up there since i had no wipers.. I took back roads the whole way and basically prayed for my life since it had many rattles and wasnt in the best shape. haha. I did make it with about 5 min to spare before a down pour. It was a fun trip and i was thankful I made it. I am posting some pictures below of when I looked at it and when I brought it home. I have had it a few months now and I need to get this thread brought up to speed but this is a start.. I am excited to make this truck my own.. Its already come a long way and this board had been a great help so far.

This is the day when I made it home and it was pooring rain. It was a fun day.. Very happy I made it alive and beat the rain
Project "Edna Marie"

2014 Dodge Ram

Last edited by bguild; 10-12-2010 at 10:13 AM.
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