Re: Engine Upgrade on my 71 !
Figured I'd post the problems I had after the swap. First off, the upper hose clamp wasn't tight enough and leaked coolant. I took off the radiator cap to fill it up again.
Then I took it for a spin down the road a ways to check for speed. Stopped at a light and steam was coming out from under the hood again! I had forgotten to put the cap on and boiled 4 gallons out onto the street.
After filling the system again, we went for a ride and there was a bad vibration at 35 mph, then again at 55. Looked underneath and the passenger side header was hitting the frame, so I notched it slightly. (the frame!)
While working on this, I noticed a small leak in the seam of the end cap of the radiator. Removed the radiator, flushed with fresh water, melted off the end cap solder, then added flux to the entire seam and sweated solder into the seam again properly.
Vibration is lessened but still there, so I changed the motor mounts. (I know, should have done that in the first place!) Now she's running perfectly.
Listen to the almighty forum Gods when they say things like "Change the Motor mounts every time you remove the engine, they're 7 bucks a piece." or "Make sure you check the radiator cap before you close the hood."
This is good advice!!