Re: 2007 2500HD Throttle Positioning Sensor
Ok, truck is fixed so I thought Id post in case someone else came across the same thing. I had my throttle relearned and everything went back to normal.
It was explained to me that as the throttle body gets dirty, the ecm makes adjustments. WHen the throttle body is cleaned, it is a sudden change and the ecm doesnt know what to do. He said it would readjust back to normal after 150-200 miles of driving since the GM electronics learn how to adjust settings based off of your driving habits. In short, if you clean your throttle body on a newer DBW GM, have access to a Tech 2 scanner that can aid in relearning the TPS or be prepared to make a 150 mile road trip.
i had done this once before and didnt have this issue. i guess its a 50/50 chance
If it has a motor, it has my attention.