Hi Ron,
Sorry for the delay. Here is the information where I bought the transfer
case seals, gaskets and shims. Patrick was extremely helpful in
identifying what I needed.
UTE Parts Warehouse
(602) 275-5781
(800) 352-8187
2330 N 32nd Street
Phoenix, AZ 85008
Quoted $120.46 for Seals, Gaskets, and Shims.
Quoted $242.00 for Bearings and Seals. (Complete rebuild kit.)
Unfortunately no website
Also, for all those *4x4* GMC truck owners who have the Dana Spicer front
and rear axles, I found a real 'old salt' of a guy named Dan in Montana who
has a lot of factory original Dana Spicer replacement parts, including the
Knuckle Felt Seals and Gaskets. He bought up the last production runs of
several parts directly from Dana Spicer. These are not aftermarket parts.
Dan himself knows a lot about axles, as he worked as a mechanic on axles for
decades. A real historian. His stock is selling out, and I ended up buying
two sets of what I needed. One set now and another for the future. Here is
his information:
4x4 Tech, Inc.
23 Turner Rd.
Roberts, Montana 59070
(406) 446-2427
Store Hours (Mountain Time)
Weekdays: 8:00 a.m.-12:00 pm and 1:00 pm - 5:.00 p.m.
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays
Our product information e-mail address:
We are located in rural South Central Montana between Billings, Montana and
Yellowstone National Park.