Thread: Engine Mounts
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Old 06-13-2003, 12:30 AM   #1
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Engine Mounts

I yanked my stock 350 out of my 72 c10, and i gots a question. The rubber pieces in the engine mounts are worn out. can a guy order new rubber mounts, or does he have 2 order brand new mounts and all? any help is appreciated!!
2003 yamaha raptor. Stock, but it still hauls!!!!

2000 skiddo mxz 700. Camoplast 1.5 inch track, jaws twin pipes, b+b can, custom built and weighted clutch, wiseco piston, high comp heads. its very fast. wow.

72 c-10 longbox. Bright Orange. Brand new 350, rv cam, performer intake, qjet, headers, 2 1/2 inch exhaust into hooker areo chamber mufflers. Body work coming soon.

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