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Old 10-16-2010, 08:30 PM   #43
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Talking Re: 87 TBI to Carb conversion

Originally Posted by cyberpine View Post
So I just changed the IAC value. No real difference and I still don't see the pinnacle coming through. Truck stalls and heavy smoke and gas smell. I also hear that IAC motor trying to do something with a constant slgiht buzz with the key on start and and ECM A&B shorted.

I have not checked my timing or my RPMs at idle.

Here's the thing thing though, as before, when I disconnect the MAP sensor and that temp sensor it idles a little high, but it runs incredibly strong. I would say there is no way it could run like that if my timing was terribly off.

You may have answered this (need to go back), what's the worse that could happen from running the truck this way (with those sensors disconnected).. high fuel consumption? overheating at idle?

Remembering something the first mechanic told me.. he said he tried to get the timing on the truck but could not explaining the constant fluctuation I'm seeing with the sensors on.


Time to trade it in for a 70,s model with a carb Learning new things can be frustrating but were always better to go thru it. Theres some good repair manuals on computer codes and sensors from chilton or haynes, I would study it and enjoy the adventure if i were you.

Props to rf for his time, im sure alot of people have learned some info.
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