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Old 10-17-2010, 07:13 PM   #31
'57 Rosa
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Re: My '57 Truck Build "Rosa"

Another question. I am going to pick you guy's brains because I am getting into the meat of this thing now. I have a feeling after blast, I will really have questions. Some "rocket scientist" welded the passenger side upper door hinge bolt. Bottom two came out fine. Bottom has to be rebuilt due to rust as usual. I am sure they welded this to keep the weight off the rusted portion. I never knew it. The doors closed tight and hold tight with no give. Any suggestions on how to get this critter out? Not much room. I would rather get it out and replace hinge and allow for ability to adjust door if needed. Thanks.
My '57 Truck Build "Rosa" (Current Project)
2003 Dodge Dakota 4X4 (Daily Driver)

Only two defining forces have ever died for us: CHRIST died for our salvation and VETERANS died for our freedoms. Glorify CHRIST and thank VETERANs
Dru~ USN Retired
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