Thread: Eight MPG?!
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Old 10-18-2010, 04:14 AM   #17
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Re: Eight MPG?!

Originally Posted by 87 V20 Scottsdale View Post
You should have enough engine to get up and going without having to push too far on the gas, maybe something else is going on?
That's what I thought...this truck definately feels slugish compared to my '79 with a completely stock 350, but the 79 also has smaller tires and is 2WD with a manual. Just as an example I'd say I have to give it at least 50% throttle to get going from a stop, also there's a big hill on the highway I drive everyday, if I start at 55mph at the bottom, and don't floor it, I'm down to 50mph at the top. Pedal to the floor I can just barely accelerate up the hill.

Originally Posted by TheWhiteElephant View Post
I wouldn't go as far as changing the engine to achieve better MPG.
Well...that's not the only reason I'd do it...but to me, the only reason to run a small block instead of a big block is to get better mileage. Am I wrong? At least if I had a 454 I'd be having more fun burning all that gas... An 8.1L would sure be nice...I guess riding in style just isn't cheap.

Originally Posted by gchemist View Post

Nothing is simpler to tune an Edelbrock carb!
Glad to hear that...I need to get a vacuum gauge. I was thinking about maybe taking it to a professional to set the timing and tune the carb, since I don't really know what I'm doing...would that be worth the money? I did manage to time/tune my boat and it has 3 carbs and I had to make the timing pointer...can't be more difficult than that....
'73 K20 Cheyenne Super Camper Special 350/TH350/NP205 sittin' on 33's.

You can set my truck on fire and roll it down a hill,
and I still wouldn't trade it for a Coupe de Ville.

Last edited by Number21; 10-18-2010 at 06:40 AM.
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