Thread: Eight MPG?!
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Old 10-18-2010, 07:57 AM   #15
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Re: Eight MPG?!

You have a heavy-ass truck with honkin' wheels and tires, an old engine and all the aerodynamic efficiency of a barn door. You have the recipe for single-digit MPG.
Find a 700R4 core (look for one that has the casting parting line going right through one of the cooler lines, they're the later/better ones). Have it rebuilt locally with a hardened sun shell, 10-vane pump and extra clutches. This should get you somewhere above 10mpg, plus it'll let yous engine work a lot less both getting it going (first is really deep on the 700) and keeping it going with the overdrive. Have the tranny built right and it'll handle the moderate 454 you'll eventually drop in there...
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