Thread: Eight MPG?!
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Old 10-18-2010, 11:15 PM   #21
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Re: Eight MPG?!

Yeah...I know it's never going to get amazing mileage but I figure it should get better than a school bus. It's not so bad when I think about my old Jeep that got 13mpg with a 6 cylinder and only weighed 3000#. My problem is my 'other car' is a C30!

Originally Posted by 87 V20 Scottsdale View Post
How does the truck act when you accelerate from a stop?
Seems pretty normal to me, just kinda slow. I really need to get a vacuum gauge and see what it says. It SOUNDS like it's running great. It's got a shift kit too, (at least I hope so or something else is broken ) that's supposed to help with gas isn't it?

Several years ago I had to drive a C20 with a 454/TH400 to the DMV....while it was only running on 7 cylinders and I could only get first gear. I'm pretty sure that thing got better highway mileage!
'73 K20 Cheyenne Super Camper Special 350/TH350/NP205 sittin' on 33's.

You can set my truck on fire and roll it down a hill,
and I still wouldn't trade it for a Coupe de Ville.

Last edited by Number21; 10-18-2010 at 11:18 PM.
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