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Old 10-20-2010, 12:14 AM   #8
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Location: riverside,ca
Posts: 32
Re: Dumb question....Help please

I don't think you mentioned whether it was solid or hydraulic roller. If it is solid then it is very possible that you have a lash issue. If it is hydraulic, as long as they were properly adjusted to start with, they should be ok. But, checking it wouldn't hurt. There are so many different things that could cause a miss. do you check all the basics? New plugs? I was installing a new set of plugs at work recently and one of them didn't have an electrode right out of the box! New plug wires? Are the contacting the exhaust or rubbing on something? Carb properly tuned? does it always miss on the same cylinder? Just some thoughts. Let us know what you find.
'72 cheyenne10 tilt, tach, a/c, posi
'70 custom10- daily grind
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