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Old 10-20-2010, 12:50 PM   #21
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Re: what vehicles came with 200r4 from junk yard

Originally Posted by coryalexander View Post
yes they do but unless the S-10 had a 4.3 in it , the bell housing is different
again they had the 700r4 not the 200r4

to the thread starter,
only g.m. g bodys and some b bodys have this tranny. nothing else
all others used the 700r4
200r4 bolts in place of a th350
the 700r4 does not..
the 2004r has a better o/d gear
the 700r4 has a 3to 1 first gear and big gear splits
the 200r4 doesn't have this issue..
the 700r4 first gear will alow you to use better highway gears and still have nice take off.. most with this tranny got 3.23's or 342 trucks and wagons some as low as 308 293
but the 700r4 will require a shortened drive shaft and different yoke..
the 200r4 you can use your th350 one if not worn(yoke) and don't have to shorting driveshaft..
good luck

Last edited by stich626; 10-20-2010 at 12:58 PM.
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