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Old 10-20-2010, 07:24 PM   #10
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Re: Towing Capacity?

As defined in the 1963 Chevrolet Truck Data Book.

GVW: Total weight of a truck, including body, payload, fuel, driver etc.

Payload: The weight of the cargo carried by a truck, not including the weight of the body.

In 1963, a C10 short box could come with a GVW rating up to 5000 lbs. It's the tire/spring rating that adds up to your max GVW.

The Curb Weight on a C10 shortbox is 1950 lbs front axle, rear 1375 lbs. Total curb weight of 3325 lbs.

Maximum Rated Payload Weight 1550 lbs. GVW 5000 lbs. with 2000lb rear springs
Recommended Minimum Tire Sizes 7-17.5/6pr front, 7-17.5/6pr Single Rear

So the more Accessories you add to your truck, the more you lower your payload capacity.

As far as I can see, there's no trailer towing capacity rating for the light duty trucks. There was no factory Trailer Hitch option but there were step bumpers which might have the load ratings on it.

In the 1963 Custom Feature Accessories book, they list for full size passenger cars a 2000lb. load with a vertical tongue load of 150lbs for the trailer hitch option.

No mention of the truck's towing capacity in the owners manual either.

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Last edited by aerotruk63; 10-20-2010 at 08:09 PM.
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