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Old 10-22-2010, 05:52 PM   #24
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Re: Slow moving '79 1 ton project

I'm very interested. I just thought I'd get started working my way from the back to the front of the truck slowly re-doing what needs doing (in keeping with the theme of slowness...). I recently discovered a puddle by my right rear tire(s) which turned out to be gear lube.... axle seal blew out.

That basically triggered my mind to think: well, might as well swap gears. then we might as well swap springs if the axle's coming out... well then I need like 10 other things.

I've got some interest in the springs, but curious about the 3.73 rear. Since my truck was sold new as a cab and chassis, the rear axle is narrower than a normal dually pickup, so the wheels are tucked in more even with the outside of the body. Is this rear you're referring to the narrower one? And out of curiosity, what would you think he's asking for it?
1.) Good
2.) Fast
3.) Cheap

Pick two.
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