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Old 10-25-2010, 01:25 AM   #88
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Re: 1958 Apache 38 Dually Dump Project

Still chipping away at the little things while we wait and plan (and save $) for the bigger things...
My son and I hit up a local junkyard that won't scrap old iron in a effort to find some KD517 cab lights. We thought we'd just run to the local truck supply houses and pick up something close, but all we found were plastic, smaller want-a-be's...didn't like anything we saw and didn't want to go to modern style LED's. So, good ole metal and glass it's going to be.
We found 4 good bases, 2 decent tops, and 3 decent glass lenses off of a couple different rigs. We are cleaning up the 3 that are on there now and will add 2 more front and center (the bases in the pics have already been media blasted). Also found a decent glove box door, latch, and hinge...ours was bent to hell and screwed to the dash to hold it closed. A bit of sanding/paint along with a new inner box had us enjoying a glove box that we could actually use.
While we were in there (and its getting into the 50's next week) we also wanted to fix the heat. The heater/fan has been unhooked since we got the truck and we weren't sure what might have been wrong. We ran power to it and it seemed smooth and quiet....
Cleaned it all up with new hoses inside and out and we have heat and defrost now.
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