'52 Chevy Pickup - Gas tanks and Brake Boosters
1952 chevy 5 window pickup truck .... it's got a second gen Camaro subframe w/disc brakes up front.
i'm slowly getting things back together .... just sat the cab back onto the frame this weekend.
question regarding:
Gas Tank - i want to mount a tank under the bed, with the filler tube coming up into the bed. i know that alot of you guys have done this ... what tank to use? 15 gallon or so? i'll be running a 350/turbo 350 setup.
Power Brake Booster - i've got disc brakes up front, but the truck did not have a power brake booster installed. i'd like to add one and was considering an 8 in version. any problems with this plan? i could potentially add discs to the rear someday, but not yet.