Thread: Center Console
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Old 10-26-2010, 11:16 AM   #5
needs more $$$
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Re: Center Console

I"m glad I wasn't the only one thinking about this! I measured the armrest in my S10 (with my hand this morning...) and it's about 7-8 inches tall. That seems about right because from my elbow to the chair seat is 7 inches. 4-5 inches may not be enough to raise it because then you'd be leaning over just rest you arm and probably won't be comfortable for all the work put into it.

I like the drawer/rear cup holder idea a lot. I think the floor raises about 4-5 inches in the rear, so with a 7-8" lift, there mayl be enough room to put a retractable cup holder on the rear of it.

Anyone with a console willing to set it on a 7-8" block and take a pic to see if this is even close to aesthetically appealing?
1970 2wd Blazer
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