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Old 10-27-2010, 12:50 PM   #16
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Re: need recomendations on a 5sp for a 4x4

RPO MW3 is the 1996-2007 GM unit.

In 1995 New Venture decided to make use of economies of scale and make 1 case casting instead of 2. The newer Tranny to Bellhousing bolt pattern is the same as the Dodge variant however the transfer case clock ring may be machined differently for Dodge.... ??

You can in theory update the later Dodge transmission to GM use if you change to a GM input shaft. The output spline count is still a problem.

It's much cheaper to buy a GM NV4500 RPO MW3 or MT8 and mate it to a 32 spline NP208. The Advance Adapters 205 kit requires modification of the output shaft length.
Make sure you get the GM bellhousing. The MT8 external slave unit was only made for 3 years so it's getting scarce. The Extra low 1st gear 1993 MT8 is extremely rare. Later MT8 1994-1995 are still not as available as the MW3 1996-2007 internal slave units.

Use a 1985...1987 Hydraulic brake/clutch pedal set and make up a hybrid hydraulic line to mate the '80s master to the '90s slave.
If you think the MT8 will get you out of this fun... the MT8 slave cylinder is on the Passenger side of the truck the 1985-1987 slave is on the drivers side.

Advance adapters will lighten your wallet by at least $900 but will retain the mechanical clutch linkage.

Last edited by hatzie; 10-27-2010 at 06:32 PM. Reason: Screwed up the RPO for 94,95
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