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Old 10-27-2010, 05:00 PM   #30
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Thumbs down Re: Where to buy low rust trucks.

Originally Posted by 96blazr View Post
"She died from a dead water pump and florida rust after a colorado flood saturated the cab with clay."

"Also I am currently between jobs but dont have many bills once I find a job again, so I look forward to saving up 2-4k quickly."

And you want AC?? for 2-4k? Hmm, well good luck finding something. Since you seem to be "between jobs" and "don't have many bills" why not just save a little more and get something nicer in the spring. Why you so hell-fire wanting to get it now with Winter coming?
Could it be you're gonna use it this winter cause you can't ride the bike and looking for a Beater to drive around in? Well, a NOT so bad beater, right?

The Dog ain't huntin' on the "trusted family member".

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

How about all I have is the bike. I could trade it in and get a truck but it is the bike I wanted. I can ride year round on it and did last winter. Got pics of me in the snow to prove it. Ever heard of a divorce and getting wiped out financially? Some folks may not be as lucky as others. Anyways I am recovering from this horrible nasty "D" and moving on with life. I would rather get into something that is maintainable knowing that it will take time, money, and work. but never the less I hope to drive it most of the time. The AC does NOT have to work but the parts need to be there so I can fix it as time/funds allow. And I may find that I need to wait till spring. Im just shopping now for the price point needed.

Gosh man, Im just trying to find my way into something I have been passionate about for years.

What a killjoy... Thanks.
Saving for a 69-72, 1/2 or 3/4 ton, BBC, TH400 or 4spd, Posi, Full Trim, AC, PS, PB, LWB, Bucket/Console, 4x4 a plus, in driveable restoreable condition for less than $4k with minimal rust. Willing to travel to SW Desert for no/light rust, and for the right price/condition I will forego some of these options and install them later.
My avatar is my old truck in 1980-82. I miss her dearly. She died from a dead water pump and florida rust after a colorado flood saturated the cab with clay. What a loss.

Last edited by robreil; 10-27-2010 at 05:01 PM.
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