Originally Posted by robreil
So what states would those be Special-K? I do not wish to assume, so I prefer you be explicid.
Thanks for the info.
The southwestern region of the US is best (AZ,NM,TX,NV,CA).Anything west of the Mississippi gets better than the east.Basically,the N/E is worst and going diagonally cross country to S/W is best.The S/E isn't too bad,just rain and humidity.Same with the N/W.Coastlines have salt air.where it snows a lot has road salt.The entire west of the Rockies is pretty arid but the farther north gets more winter.It's best just to know your geography,then it's real easy to figure based on climate and terrain.I've found some clean stuff in states that residents say are bad places.It all comes down to use/treatment often times.I've gotten real clean trucks from Nebraska,Kansas,Wyoming,Oregon,Idaho,Arkansas,and one of the cleanest from Pennsylvania.