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Old 10-28-2010, 08:49 PM   #2
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Re: Hey Guys about Auto and Manual .

Yes, the swap is doable, but I strongly recommend that you find a donor truck (like in a salvage yard) to make sure you get all of the small parts and can see where they are supposed to go.

If you are trying to replicate a factory installation, the most challenging issue will be the bellhousing crossmember. This will be evident once you find one to look at. Fortunately, you can use the automatic crossmember if you can find a manual transmission with a rear mount, and this will save a good deal of work. The frame bracket for the clutch bellcrank or Z-bar needs to be welded onto the frame. The welding isn't difficult, but it is extremely important to get the bracket in exactly the right location, or the linkage will never work right. All of the other parts are pretty much of a bolt-in swap.

That said, we seem to have more people here wanting to convert a manual truck to automatic than the reverse. It might be worthwhile looking for someone like that before you begin. The other person will need some of your parts, so you can likely work out an arrangement that will be beneficial to you both.

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