These poles are 20'' heavy wall pipe. That first one is 53' long, with 10' of that set down into the footing, so 43' tall. The next one is 60' long with 10' into the ground. After the rebar problem we ran into on the first one, and this pole 7' longer, we decided to put the rebar into the hole first, then the pole into that. That worked much better:
These things are all that forklift wants. Didn't help that the left front tire was quite low. I couldn't believe it held:
The crane was nowhere near it's weight limit, but it just barely had enough stick. The erectors had to weld some other lugs near the top so they're slings wouldn't slip off. On this one, they had to weld them down far enough to get the pole high enough, but the headache ball interfered some, making it a little harded to get things plumbed up, but all in all, this one went much easier than the first:
Weld on some bolts to hook the tilt brace to:
Anchor the bottom of the brace to these 4000 pound concrete deadmen blocks: