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Old 10-30-2010, 11:08 AM   #17
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Location: Amherst VA
Posts: 150
Re: Please criticize a first time welder

Welding is a combination of equipment, the work, electrode, the welder, etc. Any one of these can screw you up. I use mainly stick for most everything but I also use TIG for thinner materials or where heat input is critical, i.e. welding cast iron, with preheat. I got sick of fighting with my welder and bought a Lincoln 225 TIG/stick unit and it is a great welder. I still use my old Lincoln stick welder but it is a high amperage start so it is more finicky than the 225. I would just get a good welding book where it shows different quality welds and what contributed to the weld that was made. To me spot welds (which you made) are somewhat difficult to analyse. Try making some short (2") but welds and vary your travel speed, amperage, electrode gap on each pass (one at a time). Look for weld penetration, excessive weld splatter, and porosity. That will give you a better idea of your process. Make sure the pieces are held tight together, are clean so you have consistency in the work. Typically your electrode is held perpendicular or slightly angeled in the direction your welding. You weld away from your previously welded area. There are different techniques for welding vertical or overhead.
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