Thread: 402 Big-Block
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Old 06-16-2003, 07:53 AM   #1
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Join Date: May 2003
Location: Base of Pikes Peak, Colorado Springs Co
Posts: 376
402 Big-Block

I have a edelbrock intake with a new (6 month's old ) Carter 4 barrel Carb. This intake fit's BB Chevy. $300. + shipping

I also have a set of bucket seat's out of dodge caravan, they are like brand new. They measure the same height as the bench seat. $100. +shipping

I have 3 67-72 center consoles left. $50. + shipping

I have 3 set's of sunvizer's, 2 black, 1 green, $50 on the black, and $35. + shipping

I have a few/
painted bumper's. $50.
good fender's. $125 pair.
Hood's $50. 1 hood is luvered 4 row's $125.

Cleaning up the yard before the road trip!
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