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Old 10-31-2010, 11:25 AM   #4
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Re: fuel pump/sender unit

is there any way to drain the gas in the tank before dropping it?
does it all need to be drained - or can it be dropped with a few gallons left in it?
If you have the equipment and or the extra hands it's much easier to pull the bed off and set it behind the tank. Did this with my 00 Z71.

what about the difficult to connect/disconnect stuff? I seem to recal the evap lines suck to disconnect.
Not sure bout the evap line.

the sending unit retaining ring - can it just be tapped off with a hammer and punch or do I need the tool for it? (and is there a spark/gas fume hazard?)
A hammer and a flat blade screwdriver is how I got mine off. Shouldn't have to worry bout a spark or fume hazard if your out in the open. Plus the ring spins off easy enough to not have to muscle up on it.

last but not least - is there ANY adjustment necessary to the pump/sender unit (i.e. to make sure the gauge reads levels correctly, etc - or is it simply a drop-in with no adjustment needed? I think it is the latter, but wondered about that.
Should be just a drop in and no adjustment kind of thing. Didn't do any adjusting when I did mine and the gauge reads just fine.
2006 Silverado 2500 HD

Last edited by Justin87; 10-31-2010 at 11:36 AM.
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