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Old 11-01-2010, 04:40 PM   #74
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Re: The Rewards of Owning an Old Truck..

under the seat i found rubber door seals, cbs whips (didnt have a cb or even a radio at the time so ???), LOTS of dirt, sand and grime, few mystery nuts floating around and some change.

Center console found an adjustable wrench, some reciepts, other papers more change, his old registration, some loose nuts, and a half tube of locktite (SCORE haha best i got)

in the ashtray i found 5 valve stem caps, there wasnt one on any of the tires though??

under dash i found a nasty birds nest of wires...underneath i found a leaky rear main seal that had been goobered with some sort of gasket goo as well as the oilpan as a temporary fix, I saw it before buying on the pan, but it wasnt leaking at the time and didnt see it around the rear main

still worth every dam dime tho. and the real "reward of owning an old truck" IMO is turning heads
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