Thread: Tami's 51 build
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Old 11-03-2010, 06:21 PM   #13
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Re: Tami's 51 build

This is all we accomplished today, take your time and get it straight, we even went as far as to go ahead and cut the top frames off the doors and hold them in the door opening just to check for straightness,
the top 1/2 of the window was tacked into place, and then each rear corner is fitted, you can see that the corners move out about an inch.
I used thin cutoff blades to "run" in the crack between the panels to straighten them up, and the result is a real nice fit ready to butt weld.
You'll notice that the only thing welded is the rear window, thats because I am doing a 3" rear, 3 1/2" front chop, and when I fit the front corners, I might have to take a little more metal out of the front of the rear corners( side, right next to door) so the roof can basically tilt forward. trim, fit, measure, repeat! don't weld til its ready..

Last edited by skip99; 11-03-2010 at 06:35 PM.
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