Originally Posted by Longhorn Man
did you say the yellow wire was hooked to the tach terminal on the HEI?
The yellow wire from the coil was what I was referring to. With the hei wire hooked up, I removed the coil cover, to inspect the wires and both(red B+ side, and yellow C- side) had battery voltage. I was thinking that was normal ? I swapped the coil with a known good coil and no change, still no spark and same voltages. If I am wrong, please let me know
Originally Posted by steppside69
Glad to hear you got it running! I think it is funny the ''Lifetime Warranty'' gimick, Usually the 2 year warranty part is more expensive. Has anyone noticed this? Eric
Yeah I agree, and I'm just glad I found the part. Around here they tend to not stock stuff ! Come to think about it, I should of bought 2. I think I will order an extra from Summit to be on the safe side. This one was stamped Assembled in Hong Kong. Im crossing my fingers
Thanks for the input guys !!!