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Old 11-04-2010, 09:44 AM   #21
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: West Lafayette, IN
Posts: 16
Re: Look what my wife let me bring home

Wow - thanks for the hearty welcome. What an awesome board!

A few more pictures as promised. What you see here is the grille and bumper repainted. I didn't take the time to drag out all my HVLP gear, so I just rattle-canned it. Surprisingly, it turned out quite well. I also added the vinyl CHEVROLET decals in the indentations on the grille. It really pops out.

Second picture - the boy is ready for a drive.

The Pertronix ignition kit I installed a few weeks ago works quite well. I was impressed with the ease of installation. I've also installed new plugs in an attempt to get rid of my "rich running" condition. These improvements yielded slight improvement, but still running a big rich. Currently, I'm working on repairing the heater controls - standard broken sliders and frozen push/pull cables.

One question - - -

Can someone tell me what the capacity of the standard 3-speed, column shift transmission is? I would like to drain and refill in an attempt to quiet down transmission noise. Thanks all!
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