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Old 11-06-2010, 11:32 AM   #6
Grease Monkey Kuztum
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Re: gas guage going crazy- 87 sub

I just bought an 84 that was converted from diesel to a 454 so the sending unit from a diesel should work? Im not 100% sure if tanks are the exact same but I imagine they are the exact same and its just the fuel door thats got a bigger hole for diesel nozzle lol spittin gas at ya when you fill up dangit, but from what it sounds like you might be getting a short somewhere in the wire and not just on the ground connection??? When you give it gas and the alternator kicks in to charge things it gets more juice and makes it go krazy then when let off gas and alternator kicks off it goes back to being a weak signal???

Not sure tho... I have the same problem tho on both tanks, so I think its my gauge but in the next couple days am gonna tear into it... If I find some easy trick ill post it up lol but nothings ever really easy so good luck lol

Last edited by Grease Monkey Kuztum; 11-06-2010 at 11:33 AM.
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