Re: is a blazer for me?
I towed a vega station wagon from Florida to South Carolina with my blazer. All went well and I didn't feel like I was out of control with the truck but I also took it very easy and I made sure the trailer was loaded a perfect as possible. Everyone is right about heavy trailers driving the truck if not careful. I had a very heavy U-haul box trailer try to push the blazer around in a highway emergency maneuver. I about lost it. I also pulled a full size short bed pickup on a dolly which was pretty nerve racking. I only went from one town to another on back roads with no problems but there was no way I would have been able to drive highway speeds.
2006 Silverado CCSB, 1939 Ford Sedan, 1962 BelAir Wagon, 1976 Vega Panel
Charleston, South Carolina