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Old 11-07-2010, 11:08 AM   #5
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Re: Kick Down Cable Bracket Questions

I have the 402 cu in engine and when I use the bracket I have ,,it makes the kickdown cable come up short to hook to the carburator the bracket is cockeyed some and not in line to the carburator.. Do they make BB brackets and SB brackets ? this may be my problem as I might have the wrong bracket/Or it may be because there is no factory bracket made for a BB motor ..( like I mentioned before ,,I think the BB engines was teamed up with a 400th tranny and used Electric kick down and no bracket.. Maybe I just need to modify this one that is meant for a 350 cu in engine manifold ??

I will take pics soon as it lightens up today.. and that may help you see the bracket I have and where I am trying to bolt it down

Can anyone identify this bracket and tell me if it is a bb or sb bracket.. ?

When you learn a thing a day you store up smart.

Last edited by GOPAPA; 11-07-2010 at 11:37 AM.
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