Thread: 3r!c84 build
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Old 11-10-2010, 12:34 AM   #184
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Re: 3r!c84 build

Some guys tell you that any big RPM drops from Park to Drive are caused only by incorrect ignition timing, while others say that it can also be due to the stall speed chosen being too low for the camshaft that's being used

In a street motor with a perf cam correct base timing (at least 16-18 deg with perf cam)/is vac adv being run /is vac adv hooked to ported or full intake vac all the time/what spring & weight setup is in mech adv/size of cam/carb idle mix adj/and stall speed all collectively play a role in how much rpm drop there is from park to drive.

But the better the above " adjustable items (carb idle mix/timing/mech adv/vac adv/etc) are dialed " in the less of an rpm drop from park to drive you should see .
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