Thread: Tami's 51 build
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Old 11-10-2010, 06:13 PM   #16
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Re: Tami's 51 build

Let me start off by saying.."HOLY CRAP !!!"
It's a good thing I have patience..this has been a monster to line back and get straight...I'm not real sure which way is better of if it really matters... some choose to simply chop the top, make relief cuts and bend the post back and make it fit, the advantage to splitting the panel is that the angles stay correct, the front windshield does not lean back, and the doors will be wider at the top, in other words, it does not come to a point quicker. BUT, it was a pain to line up all the cut if I had to do it again?...
well, here's where we are...maybe I'm being too picky..
I really like the way the rear lines up, hardly any filler at all, the rest would also use no filler if I used a cutoff blade and made the filler strips butt to each other, but all I had was 1/32 blade and it seemed like a big gap, so I decided to just overlap the strips underneath and lap weld.
As it turns out , that was a good choice, because the roof seemed to want to flex down, so I just pushed up a little while welding, and now it has a nice stiff roundness to it that does not give like a lot of roof panels do..

Last edited by skip99; 11-10-2010 at 06:24 PM.
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