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Old 11-12-2010, 01:11 AM   #6
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Re: Some real newbie questions about buying...

Originally Posted by West_the_GM_Guy View Post
And then, since I live in Southern California, is there a resource to finding a decent truck other than Craigslist or eBay that don't have people asking show car prices?
Fist of all.. Welcome from Burbank.
I scoured craigslist for months trying to find a decent truck that didn't need work or reassembly. Seems most of the trucks listed were projects.

What I did was place my own WANTED AD on Craigslist.
In the first week, I received over a dozen responses.
and I was able to buy my C-20 for only $1,400
Needs a few things, but what I was able to get was a rust free, solid truck.

They are out there, and as they said above.. they go fast at a decent price.
Good Luck.

Attached Images
1972 Custom Deluxe Highlander C20
1971 Javelin SST New Project
1971 Demon 340
1969 SS El Camino
1968 SS RS 396 Camaro
1967 Barracuda Formula S
1965 140/4sp Corvair Monza Convertible

Sorry, but I don't do Fords.
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