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Old 11-12-2010, 02:39 PM   #40
78 Chevyrado
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Re: What about these wheels?

I got 2 of the tires today, they're coming back off until i get the other two, I just had to see how they're gonna look. I like it a lot! Looks like a perfect fit to me.

I have the old 265/75R16's on the drivers side and the 275/70R18s on the passenger side... Look at that lean. the new tires are a bit wider and they're 2" taller.

onto the good stuff. The trucks dirty and i haven't taken the blue stuff off the tires yet, I'm gonna leave it until they put em on for good.

I like em, if i keep staring at this thing I may have the other 2 tires in 2 weeks. Its amazing the difference.
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