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Old 11-15-2010, 01:16 AM   #5
60-66 Nut

Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Posts: 23,254
Re: 305 v6/3 spd on tree swap to 350/350

The V8 and I6 mount brackets are the same for the '63-'66 trucks, except for the 292 I6. They were originally bolted in the rearward set of holes. Some guys seem to have issues when running a HEI distributor and the engine is in the stock location. Myself I've not had any problems. One solution to that is using the '67-'71 small block brackets. Those bolt into the forward set of holes.

I have either set of brackets.....$45.00 to your door.

Originally Posted by moovinmetal View Post
Thanks for the info. The trans xmember will have to be cut out but, it sounds like the motor mounts where they attach to the front xmember may have to be for a v8 is this correct? there are 2 sets of holes will i need to reposition the mounts or due to the diminsions of the LARGE v6 block are they to be left in the original position? Capt fab how much for yours if needed and shipping to 63361
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