Re: Project Slomo
My plan is to have a truck in almost brand new condition. I am going to restore parts when possible and keep new parts to a minimum. It has a 1966 327c.i. Chevy accodring to the numbers on the block. If I'm correct, it's the same block used for the 350. If it is, then I will probably make it a 350. I'm not going to wild with it. I want the engine to be more durable than powerful. I also plan on doing all of the rust repair on the body myself, of which I have never done. That should be a learning experience. The painting will done by a body shop nearby.
One thing I have learned so far is the amount of proper tools that I am currently not in possession of. I don't have a welder, a proper air compressor, proper air tools, engine stand, body tools, etc.
And the reason this project will be going so slowly is not due to a lack of funds, but because the funds are going towards silly things like my son's college fund, retirement, mortgage, savings, and the ever rising health insurance.
Buuuut, my wife is re-entering the work force after two years of being a stay at home mom. She has much more education and earning potential than do I. Once she gets an eight figure a year job (I can dream), than she won't mind a little more money going into the project.
Last edited by Solego; 11-15-2010 at 09:54 AM.